Kimia Farma Trading and Distribution (KFTD) consistently practices Good Corporate Governance (GCG) in its business aspects. This way, KFTD earns the public’s and stakeholders’ trust. The company ensures its longevity and reputation in a competitive, fast-paced business field by upholding integrity and transparency. 


Transparency in Good Corporate Governance

KFTD  upholds transparency through its strategies to prevent bribery and corruption. bribery prevention involves Unit Pengendali Gratifikasi (Gratification Control Unit), a designated team that responds to and handles reports on bribery. This action is one of the company’s efforts to maintain transparent business practices.


KFTD  encourages all employees to report any acts of corruption and bribery as a part of Good Corporate Governance principles. The UPG team ensures that every employee can anonymously report, preventing any conflicts of interest and other possible ramifications that might befall them. The team will later handle the reports thoroughly, which involves interviews and cross-checking.


KFTD reporting procedure consists of these steps:


  1. Downloading a special report form from KFTD’s official website
  2. Filling out the report form as instructed
  3. Giving back the form as a hard copy or attached JPEG/PDF file in an email


KFTD  provides a special email to send any reports on bribery and corruption: [email protected].


GCG and Anti-Bribery Management System

KFTD’s GCG application is also seen from its anti-bribery management system, or SMAP for short (Sistem Manajemen  Anti-Penyuapan). This program encompasses all necessary steps to observe, report, handle, and prevent any acts of bribery or corruption.


The implementation of SMAP as a KFTD bribery prevention program starts with campaigning and socialization, followed by internal audits and quick responses to reports of bribery. The results are used for continuous evaluation and improvement of the program. 

Good Corporate Governance consists of major principles KFTD  follows to ensure sustainable business. With transparency and integrity in all business aspects, KFTD is committed to maintaining the public and stakeholder trust through its GCG principles.

Categories: Umum